Expression, Suppression and Mastery



Man naturally expresses his thoughts, emotions, feelings, creativity, whether it is good or bad. He is, however, not only characterised by expression but also by suppression. Man suppresses his emotions, behaviours, thoughts, moods, feelings and actions. One cannot obviously express everything that one’s mind and heart produce, and that which cannot be expressed is suppressed. Of course, it is not the best option. Truly speaking, it is not an option at all. Unfortunately, we do not know better than suppression.

Man conceals infinite possibilities. Whatever we see in human society is the expression of his mind and heart. Certain things, however, are meant to be neither expressed nor suppressed. But the reality of life is that we do both of them, thereby making expression and suppression become curses for us and for others too. We are taught to suppress anger, fear, jealousy, hatred, lust and so on. What are morality, discipline, control, religious commandments and mechanical prayers, if not means to suppress our emotions, thoughts, actions and moods? And suppression often takes the form of hypocrisy.

Expression is natural and human, while suppression is unnatural. Beyond these two, we have spontaneous behaviour, which is virtuous and divine. We have to go through expression and then rise above or transcend it. We must first encourage expression, especially in children. Suppression is to be avoided as it prevents growth and poisons the body and the heart both at the subtle and gross levels. Everyone should be taught to accept, face and understand his instincts, weaknesses and natural traits or tendencies. Only then can one transcend them. But instead of doing that, society has created the sentiment of guilt and fear in people. This has made them become neurotic, frustrated and schizophrenic.

Desire, anger, hatred, lust and other such destructive energies should not be vented on people or animals. Instead, they have to be accepted and transformed. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Evil and animalistic behaviour is not accepted in society. Therefore people either hide it through hypocrisy or suppress it. We should learn to accept such behaviour as natural. This will create an atmosphere of trust and relief and will eliminate guilt. However, we should also be taught to be responsible and respectful towards ourselves and others too.

In the lake of the mind, innumerable desires arise. Of course, one can never satisfy or express them all. The solution is to transform them. Once transformed, the energy of our desires, emotions, feelings and moods can be used to fuel the mind and the heart for a higher level of consciousness. Ignorance of this wisdom has led human society to the present morass. Everyone wants his dreams, desires and ambitions to be fulfilled. Consequently, conflict and confusion reign over the whole planet. If we were taught to understand our nature and undergo the inner mental transformation, then today we would not be in this chaotic situation.

My proposal, as always, is to turn our gaze towards our mind and heart. This I call self-education. Everything is born from there. We may not know the real nature of the mind or the soul, but we can certainly be more attentive towards each thought, emotion, feeling and action. When anger arises, for example, we can certainly stop and look at it intensely. This, if done with full awareness, will certainly transform the anger into pure energy and expand our consciousness. Such an approach applies to other emotions too, such as jealousy, temptation, hatred, lust and greed. We can also observe our moods such as boredom, sadness and sensuality.

One may wonder whether such qualities can really be got rid of. Yes, they can be eliminated and for that, we will have to learn the art of becoming more and more aware towards them. Once we dissolve them, we can work to remove the false illusion called ego, which is the origin of the notion of duality and from which emanates all greed, anger, lust, hatred, attraction, repulsion, good, evil and others. When this is done, we will reach the purest state of our being – divinity. It is the state of pure light, consciousness, peace, love and bliss eternal.

Uncontrolled expression and suppression have created a sick humanity and the way out is acceptance, awareness and ultimately transcendence. But since suppression and too much expression have already done much harm to our body, mind and heart, nothing can be done in some cases. Nevertheless, in many cases there is still hope. The practice of gibberish and catharsis can unload blocked emotions and allow free circulation of impulses and subtle life current. The science of meditation, breathing techniques and other therapies can be of great help.

anger into pure energy and expand our consciousness. Such an approach applies to other emotions too, such as jealousy, temptation, hatred, lust and greed. We can also observe our moods such as boredom, sadness and sensuality.

One may wonder whether such qualities can really be got rid of. Yes, they can be eliminated and for that, we will have to learn the art of becoming more and more aware towards them. Once we dissolve them, we can work to remove the false illusion called ego, which is the origin of the notion of duality and from which emanates all greed, anger, lust, hatred, attraction, repulsion, good, evil and others. When this is done, we will reach the purest state of our being – divinity. It is the state of pure light, consciousness, peace, love and bliss eternal.

Uncontrolled expression and suppression have created a sick humanity and the way out is acceptance, awareness and ultimately transcendence. But since suppression and too much expression have already done much harm to our body, mind and heart, nothing can be done in some cases. Nevertheless, in many cases there is still hope. The practice of gibberish and catharsis can unload blocked emotions and allow free circulation of impulses and subtle life current. The science of meditation, breathing techniques and other therapies can be of great help.

It is high time to start the science of self-knowledge or self-education for better understanding of human nature and the way to heal ourselves from all the evil that emanates from the heart and the mind. Self-education is, according to my experience, the ultimate solution to give back to mankind the inherent joy of life and inner bliss, which have been lost with time

Post Author: admin